The morning when he walked out of the room, all he could think of was to put an end to some ghostly images which disturbed him for a very long time; those flimsy images were formed into the egregious and frightening human monsters and they always showed up in front of him everywhere; for example, he would shower and see an emerging Capricorn from the drain pipe whose head was distastefully replaced with the girl who always felt like a springtime water lily in the pond at the high school where he was used to being bullied and no one would look at him except that breezy girl who would give him an sympathetic yet futile grimace after she glanced the bruises on his forehead and passed by without saying a word, which was all sympathetic yet futile, which stung but was all he needed, especially back at the moment when he left the room, strutted pompously on the sidewalk, targeted the first building, walked into the lobby, pulled out the .45, and started to shoot the fleeing, screeching, anonymous human monsters, and the acoustics felt just right, like the thematic melody of the video game, called “Let There Be Light”, in which he played a handsome raider and he could use an enhanced shotgun to terminate all those terrorist aliens, who were ethereal but bright.
I am a Chinese guy with an effeminate face
I work as a data entry clerk
I have no spare income to save the world
I jerk off at web porns before sleep
Why can’t you be like Nick Wong and get a job at the Goldman Sachs?
My parents sighed during the ritual Sunday dinner.
Why can’t you marry me to let me get the green card?
My Vietnamese ex-girlfriend made a fuss at the TGI Friday’s.
Why don’t you suck my cock? You faggot?
My neighbor onetime cornered me in the staircase.
Interminable hardworking and meticulous calculations are basic recipes for the Land of Plenty.
In China, they don’t play by the same rules but I will not start talking about Back When…...
Nowadays bathed in blood can be so easy and accessible
The memory is not even long lasting and nothing is legendary
Still many questions leave unanswered and unsatisfied.
An afternoon I sat in the living room.
Thought about the future and unknown
From the TV delivered some bullets
Tear dropped and heart stopped
Let there be light
Let there be light
Let there be light
The promise is so ethereal but bright.
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