the center of an eye radiated burning flame
Pungent smoke blurred motion of the fire-wheel
Glamorous mess accentuated depth of the dark
Meaning regressed, left
only with billows of enthusiasm and flooded adrenaline
Right now who could mourn
for the plummeting value of human connections, or of—
A vagabond swayed and wandered, humming a hymn of Apocalypse
But Piccadilly Circus was not set up for gunfights or landmines
Instead drunk bums were herded and jammed into paddy wagons
Predators grunted triumphantly/ preys growled and wrangled futilely /fugitives (like myself) sighed, sneered,
sought shelter in overpowering shadow of anonymous bumping and grinding
The countdown arrived when chaos blossomed
Right now who would be ecstatic
for the coming of a new beginning, or of—
mass destruction?
Seeing each other in the eyes, we knew
Parted minds tasted sorrowful penitence
Disconnected souls licked bittersweet regret
But this was not the right time
We needed to feel happy and grateful; toast to health, togetherness, and valour
Right now who should make judgment of
anyone’s simple, direct, yet shallow reaction?
Lines climbed up my face, lurked under the cheekbones
in the brightness of fireworks
it dawned on me—
When my heart burned with the city,
You knew how our affairs would end